Jun 13, 2008

Herbed feta cheese spread / dip

Here is a greek style herbed cheese spread/dip that is tangy and garlicky. I should have prefixed 'Instant' to the name as it takes no time to prepare this wonderful cheesy dip that can be served with crackers, raw vegetables like baby carrots or celery or even as a bread spread. I have used Feta cheese which is widely used in greek cuisine, that gives a tangy and striking flavor to the spread. Here is the recipe.


Feta cheese crumbled - 6 oz

Garlic - 1 or 2 cloves (optional)

Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons

Black freshly ground pepper - 1 teaspoon

Dry oregano - half teaspoon

Olive oil - 2 tablespoons


Combine all the ingredients in a food processor. Grind to a paste. Use this as a dip or spread on crackers or bread. The herbs used in this recipe can be adjusted according to your taste. A very good appetizer that you will surely enjoy.

Variation: Add or garnish finely chopped green onions and/or finely diced tomatoes to the spread. This makes the spread more colorful.

Asha's recipe for Greek Spanakopita : To the herbed feta cheese spread, add some cooked, cooled Spinach, wrap and bake in Filo dough/sheet. Here is the Spanakopita recipe that I found on the net. Thank you Asha for the idea.

This is my entry to A Worldly Epicurean's Delight (A.W.E.D): Middle Eastern Cuisine an event initiated by Dhivya of Culinary bazaar now hosted by Siri of Siri's corner. Thank you Siri for hosting this event.
This is also my entry to "Recipes for the rest of us" event hosted by Ramki of One page cookbooks.


FH said...

Love herby Feta dip! Add some cooked, cooled Spinach to it,wrap and bake in Filo dough, yummy Greek Spanakopita!:)

Mythreyee said...

Thank you Asha. I included your tip in the post.

Unknown said...

Lovely looking dip Mythreyee! Thanks for sending this to AWED!!


Uma said...

delicious dip, Mythreyee! lovely entry.

Rajesh &Shankari said...

I made your nimbu rasam twice and it is a hit always. thank you!

Finla said...

I love Feta cheese. Love the salty taste .
SOmetimes i eath thelm ontoas bread straight from the bottel if it is in olive oil and herbs

amna said...

this looks like a nice snack :)

Kalai said...

I love feta and this is just perfect!! Nice one, Myth! :)

Connie said...

Excellent flavor, drizzle some olive oil on top and you have the Feta dip from Whole Foods ($7 a tub). Love it served on a pita crisp. Thank you for the recipe.

Cheese recipe said...

Simple but yummy!

Anupama Prabhakar said...

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Your recipe is really very good, i will definitely try it. I have another North Indian style dip recipe http://bimbim.in/post/2011/03/11/Recipe-Cheese-Dip-North-Indian-Style.aspx

Thank You

Heather Houlahan said...

Dried hot pepper flakes really liven this up.