Mar 6, 2007

Cauliflower Carrot Peas Kootu

I slightly modified the recipe of Malika Badrinath's Cauliflower Kootu. Here is the recipe.


Cauliflower - 1 Medium, chopped into florets
Carrot and Peas - frozen - 1 cup
Oil for seasoning

Mustard Seeds - 1/2 teaspoon
Cumin Seeds - 1 teaspoon

Grind together:
Roasted Channa dal: 2 tablespoons
poppy seeds - 1 teaspoon
Green Chillis - 2
Cinnomon and cloves
1 bunch coriander leaves.
dry or fresh coconut - 1 tablespoon


Heat Oil and add Mustard Seeds, when it sputters, add the Cumin Seeds.

Add the Vegetables. Sprinkle water and cook until tender.

Mix in the Ground masala.

Add salt to taste.

Serve hot with Chapathis.