While I was browsing, I (fortunately) stumbled upon Revathi's blog - En Ulagam. The post read 'bay area bloggers meet'. My joy knew no bounds. Until the moment I saw those words, I have not thought about meeting bloggers whom I have been in touch only online. The post had a link to Shankari's blog. She had more information about the meet. I immediately signed up for the meet. We planned to meet for lunch and we were asked to prepare a dish from each other's blog. Shankari was constantly updating us about the meet.
Meeting bloggers in person was something very thrilling and exciting. Cooking a dish for a bunch of foodies was all the more challenging. I am quite comfortable with baking cookies and I chose to make TC's Nankatai. Though I was sure it would come out well, the pressure was intense. I went through her post again and again to make sure the measurements were correct. I bought Dalda (vegetable shortening) for the first time. I have always used either butter or oil for cookies. She had mentioned in her blog specifically that using the vegetable shortening would make the nankatai lighter and finer in texture. It took about 8 to 10 minutes to bake. The result was 'Perfect Nankatais'. Thanks to TC for sharing this wonderful recipe. Apart from Nankatais, I planned to prepare Sreelu's Badam milk. Instead of roasting and grinding the almonds, by mistake, I had soaked the almonds the previous day. So, I had to come up with some other recipe and ended up doing my mom's recipe. (Recipe will be posted later).

The weather was awesome. Neither hot nor cold. Clear blue sky, a pefect sunny day. Took the directions and set off to TC's house. Taste Tinkerer was first and I was second. When everyone gathered, there was not a single moment of silence. We talked and talked and talked. We had delicious starters prepared by TC and Sreelu. It was time for lunch and enjoyed the awesome food. Everything was very tasty. That afternooon, we were so engrossed in so much talking, that the time just flew. We talked about the pleasures of blogging, the various food blogs that we like, the groceries around the place, the special things we can buy in TJs and Farmers market. We talked a bit about movies and about online communities etc etc. It was pure fun and laughter that filled the place. It was not like we were meeting for the first time. It seemed rather like childhood friends meeting after a long time, just pouring in all the information that was not shared all the years. The meeting was just fabulous. I joined the meet with an open mind, wondering how it would go. I never really expected such lively and friendly get-together. Kudos! to the organisers. Sadly, Sankari couldn't make it to the meeting as she was not doing well. We have planned to meet on regular basis.
Our next meet will be sometime soon. Thanks to TC for opening her house for us. Thanks to everyone who made it that day. Definitely, meeting like-minded people is just wonderful. In our lives, we come across many unforgettable moments, but only few we remember and cherish. I am glad I was part of this fun filled gathering and this day will be cherished for ever.
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