Mar 31, 2008

Masale Bhaat

One of the ingredients my dear friend Manasi sent me as part of 'Arusuvai' was the masala for the Masale Bhaat, a recipe from Ashwini's Food for thought. The aroma filled the air when I just opened the packet. I had Masale Bhaat for lunch today and I should definitely tell that it was so delicious and out of the world that I will be doing this recipe more often. The rice was so flavorful and tasty and in fact quite easy to prepare too. Thanks Manasi for introducing me to two wonderful marathi recipes. Now that I like both the Chavli curry and Masale Bhaat, I want to try more marathi dishes. Many thanks to Ashwini for sharing such a wonderful authentic marathi recipe for Masale Bhaat. Just love it.