Dec 30, 2006

Eggless Banana Nut Muffins

One of my most favorite Muffins, which I think is the King of all Muffins, is the ‘Banana Nut Muffin’. I just can’t believe that I made the Eggless version of these Muffins right in my Kitchen. They came of really well. Very soft and Fluffy. These Muffins filled the Room with the Banana Flavor. The Ingredients part of the Recipe I followed Saffron Hut’s recipe for Banana Nut Muffins. I am really thankful to her for sharing the wonderful Recipe. Here is how I made the Muffins.


For 12 Muffins:

Ripe Bananas - 4

Sugar – ¾ Cup

Melted Unsalted Butter – 1/3 Cup

Baking Powder – 1 teaspoon

Baking Soda – 1 teaspoon

All Purpose Flour – 1 ½ Cups

Half Cup Walnuts – Finely Chopped


Preheat Oven to 375 degrees F.

Line the Muffin Pan with the Muffin Liner Paper Cups.

Mash the Bananas in a medium size bowl.

Add the Melted Butter and Mix well using a Rubber Spatula.

Add in the Sugar and Stir well. Keep this Bowl aside.

Take another Bowl, preferably Large. Add the Flour. Mix in the Baking Powder and Baking Soda using a Whisk.

Make a well in the Center of the Flour and Pour in the Prepared Banana Mix in the Middle and Stir using the same Rubber Spatula. Do not over mix. The Flour must get moistened. Mix well only for a minute or two. Do not use any kind of Electric Hand Mixers.

Keep aside 1 tablespoon of Finely Chopped Walnuts and stir in the remaining nuts in the batter.

Fill ¾ of the Muffin Cups. Use a Spoon to fill the Cups.

Sprinkle the remaining nuts on top.

Bake it in the Oven for about 35 minutes approximately, until the Muffins are golden brown.

Cool off the Muffins completely before serving.