Oct 17, 2006

Potato Chips

Homemade ‘Potato chips’ is more fresh and tasty than the ones we buy from the stores. You can customize your chips according to your taste.

Here is a recipe for authentic potato chips that I make.


Potatoes (little lengthy and oval in shape) – 4 to 5
Red chille Powder – ½ teaspoon
Salt – as required.
Oil for deep-frying.

You need a slicer.


Scrape the Potato skin and cut in the middle lengthwise. Heat the oil, and when it’s ready, hold the slicer above the oil, and slice the potato so that the potato falls directly into the hot oil. Slice fast and at the same time be careful. If you slice very slowly, the chips will have thick slices. Fry until its crisp and golden brown.

To the fried chips sprinkle salt and red chille powder and mix well. Just omit red chillie powder if you want only salted chips.

Homemade potato chips ready.


Anonymous said...

is this recipe tht easy!!! wonderful!! i love chips....thnx for sharing such a easy and tasty recipe...

Anonymous said...

hi mythre,

these look delicious ! i would like to know what is the Slicer you are talking about . is it the vegetable peeler ? cuz you have made them SOOO thin ! please do tell me what device you hav used cuz they luk like the chips we buy outside !!